DOVE supplied mercury-free SUPERMINER® Mobile gold processing plant with capacity of 100 TPH for alluvial gold mining project in South Sudan.
SUPERMINER® plant is designed and configured for 100% recovery of all gold, coarse and fine, with no loss. The plant is 100% environment-friendly, uses only recycled water, no chemicals (no mercury, no cyanide).
The plant included dry feeding system, multistage gold classifier, jig concentrators for recovery of coarse gold (nuggets), and VBS® Concentrators for recovery of fine (powder) gold.
The plant is configured with production security system to protect gold production against unauthorized access.
SUPERMINER® plant includes centrifugal pump and complete hydraulic network. The mobile plant is fully electrical, powered by the single generator.
SUPERMINER® plant is fully integrated processing plant with a single point of feeding by earth moving equipment.
SUPERMINER® mobile plant is configured on 5 trailers, which consist of feeding module, classification and multistage classifier, concentrators for coarse and fine gold recovery down to 40 microns, mobile generator and mobile centrifugal pump. Plant is supplied including complete gold room with concentrating table for the final cleanup of the gold concentrate, melting furnace with all accessories for melting gold into doré bars, and complete set of stamping tools.
The plant will be installed in a very remote area, therefore DOVE supplied a containerized water treatment system with capacity of 1,000 l/hour of highest quality drinking water to be used in the mining camp, as well as exceeding water to be provided to the local village at no charge.
DOVE water treatment technology is based on organic and nano technology, using no toxic chemical (chlorine) and exclusively manufactured by DOVE Biotech company (member of DOVE Group of companies).
DOVE supplied complete technical services, which included plant design, site design, plant assembly, installation, test run and training.
In addition, DOVE also designed and supplied the complete mining camp including housing and offices.
DOVE also supplied complete set of earth moving equipment for this project.