100% recovery of gold production, with No Loss
DOVE is the world’s major manufacturer of Portable Gold Wash Plants and was a pioneer in designing and introducing the first generation of Portable Gold Wash Plants to the mining industry.
The EXPLORER® GOLD Processing Plants are Portable Gold Wash Plants exclusively designed, patented and developed by DOVE, for surface mining in exploration and pilot mining operations, as well as small, medium and large scale mining operations, of alluvial Gold (Placer Gold). DOVE also produces Portable Gold Wash Plants designed for specific mining areas, where Diamonds and/or other minerals exist together with Alluvial Gold. These wash plants recover Gold, Diamonds, and other minerals, simultaneously, with no loss of production.

- EFFICIENCY: DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants (EXPLORER® Portable Processing Plants) are customized according to the ore specifications, for 100% Gold production recovery, with no loss. They are configured with our special Gold Classifier and Multi-Stage Concentrators, for recovery of both gold nuggets and fine gold.
- PRODUCTION SECURITY: DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants are configured with Security System and Locking Mechanism, to prevent the unauthorized access and the theft of the production.

- AUTOMATIC PROCESSING: EXPLORER® plants are the most advanced Portable Gold Wash Plants, and are designed and configured for the automatic and simultaneous classification, concentration and recovery of Alluvial (Placer) Gold, with minimum operator interference.
- USER-FRIENDLY: DOVE Portable Plants require only 2-3 days of training to learn the assembly, installation and operation and maintenance of the plant.

- ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY: using only recycled water, and no chemicals, to effectively process and recover 100% of the production, down to 40 micron (0.004 mm), makes DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants completely unique and highly environment-friendly.
- PORTABILITY: DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants offer features such as the ability to easily assemble, disassemble and transport them on the site, with the ease of installation and operation, offering rapid deployment of the gold processing plant. Plants are configured with trailer and wheel based for ease of portability once deployed on the mining site.

- RUGGED DESIGN: DOVE Portable Plants are constructed with rugged materials to ensure the durability of the wash plants when being used in and transported through the rugged areas in the mining sites.
- ECONOMICAL: DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants are highly efficient and economical processing plants, with very low maintenance.

DOVE Equipment & Machinery is a leader and powerhouse in the mining equipment manufacturing industry, producing the largest range of Portable Gold Wash Plants (Portable Gold Processing Plants) for small, medium and large scale mining operations, with the capacity to handle material ranging as below:
EXPLORER® Portable Alluvial Gold Processing Plants (Portable Gold Wash Plants) for mining Alluvial (Placer) gold are produced in 16 models, with capacity ranging from 10-1,000 TPH solids (100-10,000 metric tonnes/day) single shift.
Wish to get more details on the EXPLORER® Plants?
Potable Gold wash plants are also known as Portable Alluvial Gold Wash Plants, Portable Placer Gold Wash Plants, Portable Alluvial Gold Processing Plants, Portable Placer Gold Processing Plants or Portable Gold Trommel Wash Plants.
DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants are the most advanced processing plants in the mining industry, with unique features, and most efficient gold recovery ratio. They are economical with highest and fastest return of investment. With over 5 decades in fabrication, DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants were supplied in every country in Africa and South-East Asia, Columbia, Brazil, and Guyana.
Please visit our Project Gallery.

All DOVE equipment carry a standard Manufacturer’s Warranty, which can be extended to 5 years, in addition to lifetime spare parts supply service.
DOVE provides full technical services worldwide, including plant engineering design, mining site construction design, site assembly, installation, test run and training.

DOVE Equipment & Machinery manufacturing facilities are located about 30 minutes drive from the company Head office in Bangkok, which includes 8 factories and showroom.
DOVE Equipment and Machinery with over 50 years manufacturing expertise, and the largest range of mining and minerals processing technologies is the recipient of ISO 9001: 2015, Green Industry Certification, and Golden Eagle of Asia Awards 2020 Best Business of the Year (DOVE Equipment and Machinery and DOVE Instruments), which insures highest quality and standard of our manufacturing and customer service practices.

DOVE Manufacturing Facilities.

DOVE Equipment and Machinery 8 Factories.
Video of DOVE Manufacturing Facilities:
DOVE laboratory will assay your ore samples rapidly and analyze your raw materials and recommend the most efficient processing plant according to the ore specifications, minerals composition, and ore assay results, and your project size and the geologic and topographic conditions of your mine.
Please, CONTACT US for your sample analysis and quotation.

An efficient Gold Wash Plant’s recovery process of Gold from an Alluvial/Placer deposit should include the following crucial steps:
- Ore Feed.
- Sizing (screening and classifying).
- Concentration and recovery of coarse Gold (nuggets).
- Concentration and recovery of fine Gold.
- Final concentrate cleanup and smelting of the Gold.

These crucial steps are achieved by different machine components in a Portable Gold Wash Plant configuration. Any short cut of the crucial steps shall result in lack or reduction of recovery of the Gold Production or loss of the Gold Production.
The process involved in the concentration of gold ore concentrate, recovery and separation stage is based on the concept and science of “Gravity Separation”.

Gravity separation, or Gravity Concentration, is one of the oldest proven recovery methods in the history of gold mining. It has been tested and approved as a technique of concentration of free flowing gold and has been used as a primary system for concentration and recovery of gold.
The Gravity separation method consists in separating minerals or metals from one another using their difference in specific gravity and of their relative response to other forces they are subjected to.

In Portable Gold Wash Plant, using Gravity Separation process, the gold particles are subjected to forces in a medium, such as water. The response of the gold particles to these forces shall enhanced resistance or accelerated settling time, depending on their specific gravity, which will allow for the separation to occur. In this way, gold particles with specific gravity of (S. G. 19.32) and the gangue can be separated from one another due to their difference in specific gravity and response to the various forces in the water.
Due to its high efficiency and low cost, gravity separation is always the preferred method of concentration to be considered when designing a mineral processing plant.
DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants that utilized Gravity separation for the recovery of minerals from alluvial deposits mean less capital outlay and better security for the high value concentrates.
By using Gravity Separation, DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants reduce the costs involved in crushing and grinding of the material, and also reduce the slime losses that usually result from unnecessary and abusive size reduction operations.

In a DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plant, every component is crucial for efficient operation and proper processing the Gold Ore, which are important to achieve high recovery of the Gold Production. DOVE’s unique designs are embedded in each of the Portable Gold Wash Plants’ components to ensure the efficient recovery of 100% of the alluvial Gold, with no loss of production.
The major components of DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants, based on the crucial steps required in wash plants, consist of the following:
is a large hopper designed to feed the ore to the rest of the wash plant. This hopper can be a wet or dry type depending on the project’s requirements. The hopper is designed to be fed with earth moving equipment, such as conveyors, gravel pumps, Excavators, Loaders or Dump Trucks, with respect to the plant capacity (metric tonnes per hour) solids.
DOVE Ore Feed Hoppers are supplied in different capacities and specifications, designed and engineered as interconnecting components for easy and rapid assembly, installation and rapid disassembly at mining site.

DOVE Ore Feed Hoppers are designed to be transported in standard shipping containers for the cost efficiency of freight.
DOVE Ore Feed Hoppers are fabricated with heavy cage of steel plates of 5-12 mm, to insure their durability and to stand severe conditions of the mining site. Additionally, they are designed to be easily connected to high-pressure Hydraulic Spray Jets system, Hydraulic Manifold and piping system. Their slurry outlet is configured in different sizes for ease of connection to the Static or Vibrating Grizzly.

is a powerful Canon that produces high pressure water Jet Spray, used to break the clay contain of the ore at early stage of feeding, as well as assist in speedy ore throughput. The canons are highly effective in wet ore feeding system and when the ore has high clay content. They assist with the logistics of the ore, in the form of Slurry, into the Ore Feed Channels and to the next step of operation.
DOVE Monitors are casted in hardened steel (high carbon) and have a bronze or hardened steel head. They are supplied with an Operator Cabin Stand Structure, designed for long hours of operations under extreme weather conditions. DOVE Monitors are rugged and designed to operate using recycled water in the mining site.
Recycled water contains sand and clay, and DOVE Monitors have a proven history of durability and high efficiency when handling the recycled water.

3. Ore Channel, also known as Slurry Channel,
is designed for the rapid and economical transportation of the slurry ore from one stage to another, such as from the screening stage to the classification stage, and also used through out the gold wash plant mainly for the transportation of slurry ore using gravity force.
DOVE Ore Feed Channels are exclusively designed with high pressure clay breaker Hydraulic network and High Pressure Spray Jet system. DOVE Ore Feed Channels are fabricated in various dimensions in accordance with the processing capacity of the Wash Plant, ore logistics volume requirements of the wash plant, specific ore characteristics and specific site conditions.
DOVE Ore Feed Channels can be supplied with security screen cover to protect the slurry gold ore in transit.
DOVE Ore Feed Channels are exclusively rubber lined, in order to eliminate the friction and wear of the steel channel, as well as to speedup the logistics of slurry 0re, and eliminate clogging of solid particles in the channel. These unique and unparalleled features make DOVE Wash Plants the number one desired solution for every mining company.

Screening is the process of separating the material according to their size by simply passing it through a screen or various sizes of screens, which can be vibrating or static. Screening can be done in multiple stages to achieve higher efficiency.
are screens of various sizes used for the first screening stage in DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants. Grizzly Separators are designed to screen the large oversized rock particles from the ore, prior to the next stage of ore transportation, through slurry channels (wet feed) or belt conveyors (dry feed), and classification. The screen mesh sizes are chosen in accordance with the ore characteristics and project specifications.

This component is important, since it rapidly eliminates the large unwanted rocks to avoid them going to the classification and concentration stages. This means that only the mineral bearing ore is processed throughout the next stages of the wash plant, hence, reducing the amount of material that needs to be processed.
DOVE Grizzly Separators are fabricated in various models and capacities, and are supplied either as Static Grizzly Separators or Vibrating Grizzly Separator.
DOVE Grizzly Separators are configured with High Pressure Spray Jet Module and complete Hydraulic Network, designed to break the clay sticking to the rock particles and eliminate the risk of losing the precious minerals that might stick to the oversized rocks due to the clay.

2. DOVE Multi-Stage Classification Trommels
are revolving cylindrical screens used for multiple screening stages in DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants.
A Trommel Classifier is a large revolving cylindrical screen installed on a supporting base, in a slightly inclined position. Trommel is powered by electric motor or diesel engine, or in some cases by hydraulic power. The Trommel’s cylindrical screen spins in order to sort through the material that is being introduced through its feeding end.

The Trommel is a major component of a Portable Wash plant, designed to perform classification of the ore, as well as breaking valuable minerals free from the host clay. Once freed from the host clay, the materials are also classified according to their sizes, reducing the volume of material that will be processed in the next stages for increased efficiency of the recovery process.
The Trommel’s design and specifications are extremely important, as it can directly affect the recovery of the minerals in the stage of Concentration.
DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants are uniquely configured with DOVE Multi-Stage Classification Trommel. This Trommel is designed with unique features, which are unparalleled in the industry.

DOVE Multi-Stage Classification Trommel enables the plant to achieve up to four (4) sizes classification simultaneously as well as resolving the Heavy Clay content concern.
DOVE Trommels are supplied in various capacities and models.
All DOVE Multi-Stage Classification Trommels are offered with Trommel Feed Hopper, Hopper Hydraulic Clay Breaking Network, Security Covers, 3-way Engine/Motor Security Canopy and Locking Mechanism, High Pressure Main Hydraulic Spray Jet System, Clay Breaking Module or Scrubber Module, Diesel Engine or Electric Motor, Geared Speed Reduction, Wheel Set Trailer, Hitch Mechanism, Undersize Rubber Lined Feed Channel, Feed Channel Rubber Lined for Coarse Material, Water Manifold and Hydraulic Piping Network, and Height Adjustment Mechanism and optional Conveyor assembly for reject.

are used in DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants to mainly perform the concentration of coarse gold particles and the recovery of gold nuggets.
Jig Concentrators are Gravity Concentration devices designed and mainly used in mineral processing for washing, separation and concentration of coarse metals & minerals within the ore, based on their specific gravity. These concentrators subject the particles within the ore to a jigging motion in the medium of water, which accelerates their settling time with respect to their specific gravity, while separating them over a selected screen mesh size.

Since the high specific gravity differential of material makes recovery possible, the use of Jig Concentrators to recover various metals and minerals is wide within the mining industry. Jig Concentrators’ unique ability to absorb fluctuations in ore grades, tonnage rates and dilution, without any effect on recovery results, makes them the most important and essential devices in mineral recovery.

DOVE Jigs are designed with unique features, which are unparalleled in the industry. You will find DOVE Jigs in practically every country on the African Continent, in South East Asia, in Brazil, in Colombia and in Guyana.
DOVE Jigs for Portable Gold Wash Plants are available with optional Automatic Production Removal Module, Manifold and complete internal Hydraulic Network, Security System to prevent unauthorized access to the production preventing the theft of production, Stand Structure, Jig Balance and Stands Height Adjustment Mechanism, Engine/Motor 3-Way Security Canopy, Speed Gear Adjustment Mechanism, Jig Feed Hopper, High Pressure Spray Jet to assist uniform flow of slurry ore, Trailer Wheel-Set, Hitch Mechanism, and Tool Box containing tools for maintenance.

DOVE Gold Centrifugal Concentrators
are used in DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants to mainly perform the concentration and recovery of fine gold particles.
CENTRIFUGAL CONCENTRATORS are a type of gravity concentration machines, predominantly used for the recovery of fine particles of free Gold, and other heavy minerals, in mining operation.
They are used for the recovery of fine particles of free gold for mining projects that do not used cyanide or other toxic chemicals due to environmental concerns, government regulations or the high cost of cyanide and other toxic chemicals for gold recovery process.
DOVE Gold Centrifugal Concentrators have advanced features and design. DOVE Gold Centrifugal Concentrators utilize G-Force to efficiently recover fine gold particles by enhancing the gravitational force to optimize separation capabilities.
Additionally, DOVE Gold Centrifugal Concentrators require only surface recycled water to efficiently process and to recover 100% of fine gold particles, down to 40 microns (0.04 mm).
NOTE: For the recovery of ultra fine gold particles of sizes below (0.04 mm), DOVE Flotation Machine is recommended.
DOVE Gold Concentrators are supplied with complete hydraulic system and high pressure multi-stage water pumps, ore feed module including slurry pump and sump tank for feed monitoring, hydrocyclone and rubber fish tail as concentrate moisture adjustment mechanism and to control solid flow.

are used for the final concentrate cleanup process in DOVE Portable Gold Wash Plants.
Gold Shaker Tables are known as one of the most effective and selective machines for wet Gravity Separation. They have the unique ability to separate minerals with fairly close specific gravity values from each other, which is nearly impossible to achieve with other equipment designed for wet Gravity Separation.

DOVE Gold Concentrating Tables are comprised of wooden decks with ultra-smooth rubber cover and riffle surface and are operating in horizontal plane, where material with higher specific gravity is separated from material with lower specific gravity.
Head Motion imparts a reciprocating movement to the table’s deck in a horizontal plane. As the material moves across the table, the shaking action of the deck causes size classification and specific gravity stratification.
The flow of cross water causes shearing of stratified material and forces it to cascade over the riffle surface of the table’s deck. Lower specific gravity material remains close to the water surface and rides over the riffles towards discharge end of the table; higher specific gravity material is being hold back by the riffles, which is closest to the table’s surface, and moving along the table’s deck to the concentrate discharge.

2. DOVE Smelting Furnaces
are highly efficient furnaces used to smelt metals such as Gold, Platinum, Silver, Aluminum, Brass, etc., which allows for the metals to be converted into a purer form.
In the Portable Gold Wash Plant, the Smelting Furnace is used after the Gold Concentrating Table, to remove the unwanted impurities while melting the Gold. The result will be a melted gold and a slag that are separated from each other due to their difference in melting point and density. The slag can easily be removed and the melted gold will be molded into Gold Dore Bars.
DOVE Smelting Furnace is supplied with Hard Burned Crucibles where the material can be safely melted at high temperature, Quartz Rods to stir the melted alloy, Tongs to safely garb crucibles over the high temperature in the furnace, Sliding Ingot Mold for the creation of Gold Dore Bars, and Stamping Tools to mark the dore bars with the desired initials and serial numbers.

Additionally, DOVE Smelting Furnace is supplied with accesssories that aim to keep the user safe during the furnace operation, including High Chemical and Heat Resistant Protection masks to prevent the users from inhaling any hazardous particles, Chemical and Heat Resistant Clothes that are made of leather and Chemical and Heat Resistant Apron that aim to protect the users hands and body from the dangers of the chemicals extreme temperatures exposure, and Safety Goggles to protect the eyes from chemicals and hazardous particles during the operations.